Outsourcing has never been this streamlined
How many hours will I need?
Think of prepaid hours as an hourly wage for a part-time or temporary employee — the number of hours needed should be roughly equivalent (but significantly more cost effective!). We can help you determine how many hours your accounting team will need on a regular basis. Please get in touch and we’ll be able to discuss your needs and make a recommendation that works for you. The number of hours in your plan can always be adjusted the following month if needed.
How do add-on hours work?
Need just a little more work done this week than your normal plan covers? You can prepay for the additional hours you need at a discounted rate that is determined by your service tier. If you choose not to prepay for add-on hours at your discounted rate, you can still submit work beyond the scope of your plan and be billed at the Pay As You Go rate. Need a little more work done on a regular basis? Consider upgrading your plan for the best overall rate.
How do rollover hours work?
Any unused plan hours for the month will be automatically added to your available plan hours for the following month. Plan hours are used before rollover hours. Rollover hours will be used once you are out of plan hours. Rollover hours expire at the end of the following month.
When do prepaid hours expire?
Unused Package or Contract Plan hours rollover to the following paid month and expire at the end of that month. If you cancel your Package or Contract Plan, unused hours expire when the next month’s payment would be due.
Which is the better deal — a Contract Plan with add-on hours, or multiple Contract Plans?
Add-on hours for our Contract Plan subscribers are significantly discounted compared to our Pay As You Go rate. If your firm has an ongoing workload that warrants adding multiple full-time employees, multiple contracts will always save you more expense than add-on hours.
How do I cancel my Package Plan?
Cancel at any time with 30 days notice by calling customer service or getting in touch at [email protected]. Continue to use the service until you run out of prepaid hours or until the next month’s payment would be due, whichever occurs first.
How do I cancel my Contract Plan?
Cancel at any time with 30 days notice by calling customer service or getting in touch at [email protected]. Continue to use the service until you run out of prepaid hours or until the next month’s payment would be due, whichever occurs first. Used Contract Plan months will be reverted to the higher Package Plan rate, which could potentially increase the amount you owe, but you will never pay more for this Contract Plan option than the Package Plan rate, making it an easy and risk-free choice to upgrade to the Contract tier whenever your workload warrants it.
Will I be reimbursed for unused hours?
If you ask to be reimbursed for unused Package or Contract Plan hours, used hours will be reverted to the higher Pay As You Go rate, which could potentially increase the amount you owe.
How is so affordable?
We have a team of skilled agents that will take on your projects as and when necessary. Because many accountancy firms outsource to us, your small projects can be completed at a cost in line with bulk rates. Our network of agents work remotely and can take advantage of the lower cost of living in other areas, whilst being fairly compensated with salaries that are competitive locally. passes this value on to you.
Outsourcing accountancy tasks made easy.
As your dependable financial partner, is here to ease your concerns as we ease your workload.
Our predictable pricing and real-time status updates make forecasting projects stress-free. When you need support, direct communication with a knowledgeable industry professional is just a call or message away. Contact us today to discover how we can help with your business’ unique needs.